Your Scuba Instructor
Underwater World

Home of Instructions & Air Fills
Omaha, NE


Your Scuba Center - Underwater World
We make diving fun!



FYI Section
About Sharks
About Reefs
Marine Life ID

The home of SCUBA instructions in the area!
Scuba Taught the Right Way!
We Service All Equipment!

I've stold the store to Jeff. He will be opening a store in a few days.

When it comes to Scuba Instructions, we are best and longest running best instructions available, putting our client's safety first. We would like to certify you as a PADI Open Water Diver or help you continue your scuba training. Please take a few moments to check out our website. We know you will be pleased.

We love diving which is why we are continuing to teach. We haven't gone away as some people have said, we are here and ready to serve you with the best scuba training around. If you want to learn the sport of scuba diving, contact us today.

Our specialty is Underwater Photography. We know how to take pictures underwater the right and easy way.

The Bottom line: If you want to learn how to SCUBA dive, there's only one place to go, your Scuba Place - Underwater World


Store Hours
In Omaha, Nebraska




Underwater Photograph Sales

Open Water Divers

Advanced Open Water Diver


Rescue Diver
Congrats to ALL!

Water Conditions: 4 Oct 2020
Water Temps: 55 Surface
55 at 30 feet
Visibility is 20 feet the quarry is closed.

Roatan, Honduras        

Dives Trip:
We won't have a trip this year from the virus .

Class Information:

Open Waters Dives. Quarry is closed for good,

2005 - 2021